A few years ago I had a dream about three white lions. In my dream, I was sitting by a fire with the lions. One of them put his forehead against mine and said, “Time to Remember”. And then BOOM, I did. Of course, not all at once. The Lions told me that, “Faith would lead the way Home”. Since then I routinely dream of the lions. And through a process of connecting to them in stillness and love, we communicate in waking state as well. I also can hear and see my spirit friends again. Some are mine and some are connected to the people close to me or clients I'm working with.
Journey to Timbavati
In 2016 I was invited to take part in a journey to Africa with 11 other women from around the world called, “The March of the Matriarchs” or the acronym “MOM”. Every one of us in our own way had been getting messages from the lions. The journey would start at the Great Monument of Zimbabwe and end in Timbavati, South Africa. According to Credo Mutwa, a legendary African Sangoma(holy man), Great Zimbabwe was considered the most stable and powerful empire in Africa that lasted thousands of years. Great Zimbabwe was invaded and destroyed for their hidden treasure of gold by Nguni invaders at the end of the 15th century. The Great Monument is said to be deeply connected to Timbavati, the home of the white lions. The Great Enclosure can be seen from the top of the Great Monument and is a map of the Sirius Star system which is the system the white lions are said to originate from. Even though it didn’t make sense to go there in so many ways I knew that I needed to go. Somehow, I felt as though I was going home in a way that I’d never done before. After an opening that began with a sacred fire near the Great Monument, we continued our journey in Zimbabwe to learn to be grounded in our own truth from the Elephants of Gonarezhou (Place of Elephants).
Being with the elephants was profound and deeply grounded me enough to allow me to listen to the truth and Wisdom of the White Lions. It allowed me to Remember…
And once deeply grounded in ourselves we traveled to South Africa. To meet and listen and learn from the White Lions. The lions are deeply wise and spiritual beings that people from all over the world travel to sit in prayerful silence with. Being in their energy field is like being bathed in sacred wisdom.
Being with the elephants was profound and deeply grounded me enough to allow me to listen to the truth and Wisdom of the White Lions. It allowed me to Remember…
And once deeply grounded in ourselves we traveled to South Africa. To meet and listen and learn from the White Lions. The lions are deeply wise and spiritual beings that people from all over the world travel to sit in prayerful silence with. Being in their energy field is like being bathed in sacred wisdom.
Place where the star lions came down
Timbavati means “The Place Where the Star Lions Came Down”. And my Mom’s name is Faith. So I went to Africa and found my way home to myself. I found the way home to the Lioness that lives within me.
It was there, in the “Place Where the Star Lions Came Down” surrounded by white lions that I remembered my Mom(Faith) looking into my eyes at the kitchen table and saying, “Jenny, you’re very special. You come from the Star People”. And it was there I realized my mother, Faith was right. Timbavati felt like home in ways that I’d never felt before. And in ways that I’m still discovering. I do come from the star people. In fact, in our own uniquely individual ways we all do. The star people and the white lions were and are the same to me.
The Lions in that first dream were right.
“Faith would lead the way Home”
It was there, in the “Place Where the Star Lions Came Down” surrounded by white lions that I remembered my Mom(Faith) looking into my eyes at the kitchen table and saying, “Jenny, you’re very special. You come from the Star People”. And it was there I realized my mother, Faith was right. Timbavati felt like home in ways that I’d never felt before. And in ways that I’m still discovering. I do come from the star people. In fact, in our own uniquely individual ways we all do. The star people and the white lions were and are the same to me.
The Lions in that first dream were right.
“Faith would lead the way Home”